- B2C
- Lead-Generation
- Foundation - Test - Live
Erfrechtplan is the No. 1 in (life) wills. They provide help and information to arrange a proper will at your home.They reach their customers with free education thoughout the country, in the form of free lectures on location or a webinar online. COVID had a high impact on Erfechtplan as they were not able to held any lectures on location anymore. As they were not able to reach their customers, they had to search for a new way to find their customers in order to keep their business viable. Marveltest researched the online potential of Erfrechtplan and started an new aqcuisition funnel to find their target audience. On a weekly basis the online proposition of Erfrechtplan was tested, optimised and scaled with at least 20 different landing pages, over 500 ads en more then 20 audiences. As a result were able to go from a monthly 100 leads for €50 per lead, to over 870 leads for €5.93.